This flower is bloom too! ( by Yuka)

These camellia is blooming in a garden of my husband’s parents house.

camellia blooms mainly from winter to spring. It’s native flowers of Japan or China. Many people in Japan loves it from long time ago.
This flower has gone over to Europe in the 18th century and worshipped as Japanese rose.

The language of camellia is admiration, perfection, modestly grace and pride.
Red camellia is particularly called ” you’re a flame in my heart”.
Though that was new to me, I like it.

My surprised thing.(By Yuka)

20140402-230010.jpg Recently, I’ve got capsule toys. It is two items in a picture on top of this writing. These price are 300 yen a per. (Today’s dollar-to-yen exchange rates →$1=103yen)
But today, the items trade a high price on the internet auction and anime figurines stores. The price is about 1200 yen a per ! That is four times as expensive as its original selling price.
If I need a sum of money suddenly, I may sell it to the stores of that kind :p

MOTHER2 (by Yuka)

I like playing video games.
Today I introduce my favorite one gamesoftware. That name is “MOTHER2”.

One night, A meteorite falls down to ground near the house which a boy lives in. The boy’s name is Nes. For a while, his friend named Porkey asks Nes to watch it with him. They go to the fall spot and meet a fly named BUZZ BUZZ. He says Nes will save the world in the future.

This is only the beginning of a story.
It looks like a ordinarily story, but this is a little different.
Attractive friends, The curious people who Nes meets, Unique cities and enemies, an original world view.
This game has tenderly wonderful story.
In fact, I heard that many game player were touched the game.
That why I recommend it to you.
If you have a chance of playing it, please do it 🙂

A girl named Fuchiko.(by Yuka)

20140326-220203.jpgThe picture is my penholder on my office’s desk. A few girls is there. The girls is same one.

Her name is Fuchiko who is the brim of a glass. These are a kind of Japanese toy. I like these toys.

And today a new member came in the group.

20140326-222234.jpgA man named A tuxedo mask who is character in a certain Japanese animation is called sailor moon.

They are cheering me everyday.

The book(by Yuka)

imageHi.I’m one of the pastathree.

Today I met two girls of pastathree,so I spent the enjoyable time.

And I bought a book named “Watashinouchiniwa nano minami”in Japanese. This book’s content is a life with minimum article like you should throw away everything that you can do without.

This is called “Danshari” in japan. Once I had do it. Since that, I have changed my life everything! Anyway, the book makes me do the “Danshari” again.

(I don’t care my writing English skill and grammar.Because I’m studying English in this blog.)